You may think that facial features are simply predetermined by genetic makeup, but in reality, many factors influence the way you look. From genetic makeup to environmental influences, a variety of influences contribute to your distinct facial features. Here’s a look at how genes determine your facial features and some of the things that come into play.

What are Genes?  

Genes can be thought of as the instructions that make up a person’s identity. They’re the code in your DNA that contains the instructions for how your body develops and grows. Your genetic code is made up of instructions for a variety of processes, including how your facial features will form. While genes can be inherited from parents, you won’t necessarily have the same facial features as your mom and dad. Scientists have discovered that genes have a great influence on facial features, but other factors play a role as well.

How Do Genes Determine Facial Features?  

Genes play a major role in determining facial features, including your eye color, nose shape, cheekbones, and smile shape. Some facial features are determined by single genes, like your hair texture or skin tone. Others, like brow shape, are determined by the combination of several different genes working together.

What Else Influences Facial Features?  

Genetic makeup alone can’t determine your facial features. There are a handful of environmental influences that can change the way your face develops as you age. Exposure to sunlight, hormones, and age can all affect the way your facial features form over time. Additionally, lifestyle choices like diet, smoking, and drinking can cause changes to the appearance of your facial features.

Common Facial Features  

If you look around, you’ll notice that many people have the same facial features. Here’s a look at some of the most common facial features that you may see from time to time.


Eyes are one of the most important facial features and are usually the first thing that people notice about each other. Brown eyes are the most commonly seen color in the world, but blue and green eyes are also pretty common. Eye shape is also important and can be inherited from your parents.


The size and shape of your nose is one of the most obvious facial features that can be determined by genetic makeup. Noses come in many different shapes and sizes, from small and upturned noses to large, wide noses.


Cheeks are one of the features that people tend to notice the most. Cheekbones can vary widely in size, shape, and placement on the face. Cheekbones that are too close together can create a flat appearance, while wide cheekbones tend to be more prominent.


The shape of your mouth is often a combination of environmental and genetic influences. The size, shape, and width of your lips are all likely determined by genetic makeup. Your mouth shape can also be affected by the skin and muscles around it.


Your chin shape is often a combination of genetic and environmental influences. It’s usually determined by a combination of genetics and fat deposits in your cheeks and chin. People with square chins tend to have a shorter chin, while those with round chins have more length.

Your facial features are a combination of genetics and environmental influences. While genes do play a major role in determining your facial features, other factors like hormones and lifestyle choices also contribute to the way you look. While some facial features are determined by single genes, others are influenced by the combination of several different genes working together. It’s important to remember that everyone’s face is unique and its features are determined by a variety of factors.