The Power of Positive Good News Stories from Canada
In today’s increasingly difficult and challenging global environment, it is important to find and celebrate positive news stories from around the world. Canada serves as an important example of this optimism and hope for a brighter tomorrow. From the diverse communities spread across its provinces to the advancements in sustainability and environmental stewardship, there is much to be learned and celebrated in Canada. Here we will cover some of the most inspiring, recent positive news stories from Canada as a way to provide hope and solace during this trying time.
Celebrating Diversity in Canada
Famed Canadian singer and songwriter Shania Twain recently used her influence to place the spotlight on Canada’s long history of celebrating cultural and religious diversity. She recently helped launch a campaign called ‘I Believe in Us’, which celebrates how Canada has been successful at bringing together people of different backgrounds and beliefs. This initiative is a result of well-funded government programs that promote and protect minority rights, tolerance, and inclusiveness.
Furthermore, news coming out of Canada in the past year including landmark court rulings on the rights of transgender Canadians. Canada also recently welcomed its one-hundred-thousandth Syrian refugee in a truly remarkable display of bravery and commitment to refugee rights. Furthermore, Canada has recently opened up its research to Indigenous communities allowing for unique and valuable insights into their cultures and environmental knowledge.
Advancing Environmental Stewardship
Canada has become a world leader in sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and renewable energy. It is one of the top countries in the world for reducing greenhouse gas emissions leading the way towards a more sustainable future. Canada is doing its part by investing heavily in renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and hydro power. These investments are quickly paying off as Canada is now on track to meet its 2020 target of 30% reduction in emissions.
The Canadian government has also taken steps to ensure the conservation of its beautiful landscapes by setting aside 24 million hectares of land and 7 million hectares of coastal waters as protected areas. To date, Canada has 39 national parks making it the 2nd most protected country in the world.
Canadians Generosity
The people of Canada have a long and proud history of giving to those in need. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, Canada has seen an outpouring of support from individuals and organizations keen to support those affected by the pandemic. From philanthropists donating millions of dollars, volunteer groups coordinating supplies, to local food initiatives providing low-cost meals to those in need, Canadians have shown that even during the darkest of times, the giving spirit is still alive and well in the Great White North.
The Rise of Women’s Rights
Canada has also made great strides in empowering women and advancing gender equality. In 2017, Canada made international headlines by becoming one of the first countries in the world to legalize recreational marijuana, as well as the first G7 nation to pass legislation ensuring equal pay between men and women. This comes on the heels of the passage of the first ever gender-based violence strategy which allocates millions of dollars towards awareness, prevention, and recovery services for those affected by gender-based violence.
The Canadian Passion for Education
The people of Canada have long been committed to the ideals of education and academic excellence. Currently, the government is investing heavily in R&D, affordable housing, infrastructure and transportation. These investments are expected to spur economic growth, create jobs, and allow Canadians to participate in the rapidly changing global economy. On the academic front, Canada recently launched the ‘Learn from Canada’ program which allocates additional funding for students studying in Canadian institutions.
Encouraging Entrepreneurship
In recent years, Canada has also become a global hub for entrepreneurs and start-ups. In 2020, more than $5 billion in venture capital was invested in research, development and technology-based businesses in Canada. This impressive figure is a testament to the world-class talent and resources available in Canada. In addition to venture capital investments, government grants have also been made available to small business owners looking to grow their business and expand their reach.
The news out of Canada offers a powerful reminder that even in times of great uncertainty and challenge, optimism and hope can still prevail. From celebrating cultural diversity to advocating for women’s rights, to advancing sustainable development goals, to nurturing a nation of entrepreneurs; Canada has shown that it is a leader in positive social change, and is an unmistakably bright spot in an otherwise dark time. As Canadians, we can be proud of the progress we have made and remain focused on the path ahead.