Mexican Sayings That Will Make You Die Laughing
Mexico is a nation that is steeped in culture, historical heritage, and folklore. The Mexican people have a unique outlook on life and a unique sense of humor that cannot be matched in any other culture. This is reflected perfectly in their sayings, which are witty, thoughtful, and often hilarious. So if you’re looking for a good laugh, these Mexican sayings will not fail to crack you up.
- Huerfanito Tiene La Culpa – The Orphan is Responsible for Everything
This Mexican saying has a funny twist to it – it essentially suggests that anything bad that happens is always the fault of a certain scapegoat. It’s sort of like the phrase “It’s Murphy’s Law” but with the addition of an innocent orphan at the end!
- Las Listas De Los Ojos No Engañan – Eyes Don’t Lie
This is an old Mexican proverb that is used to remind people not to be deceived by appearances. After all, the eyes don’t lie!
- No Dar Por Sentado Cualquier Cosa – Don’t Assume Anything
This is a great reminder not to take anything for granted or assume that something is true just because you want it to be. There’s no substitution for examining the facts thoroughly and doing your own research.
- Cuando El Río Suena, Aguas Tiene – When the River Sounds, There Is Water
This phrase is used to refer to a situation that is potentially dangerous, but cannot be seen right away. It’s sort of like the expression “When it rains, it pours” – it warns people to be ready for the unexpected.
- Poco A Poco Se Llega A Roma – Little by Little You Will Get to Rome
This is an old saying that is used to remind people that time and patience are necessary for anything to be accomplished. It also implies that Rome (or any other goal) cannot be reached in a day, and that it takes place gradually with dedication.
Humorous Mexican Sayings
- El Que Mucho Abarca, Poco Aprieta – The One Who Grabs Too Much, Squeezes Too Little
This is a great saying to remember when you’re tempted to take on more than you can handle. It serves as a gentle reminder to focus on what you’re capable of and to not overextend yourself.
- El Dinero No Es La Felicidad, Pero Alivian El Desinconformismo – Money Is Not Happiness, But It Alleviates Discontent
This funny saying serves as a quick reminder that money cannot buy you happiness, but it can help you alleviate some of the day to day discomforts in life. It’s a great balance of sarcasm and practicality.
- Al Diablo, Las Prisas – To Hell with Hurry
This is a Mexican proverb that speaks to the relaxed way of life in Mexico. It’s a humorous way to remind people to take life easy and not to rush things.
- Mi Libertad Acaba Donde Empieza La Tuya – My Freedom Ends Where Yours Begins
This is a great saying that serves as an important reminder to think of others in your actions and respect the freedoms of those around you. It’s a great way to encourage tolerance and acceptance in any group.
- Para Ser Rico, No Se Necesita Dinero – To Be Rich, You Don’t Need Money
This is a funny yet meaningful saying that suggests that wealth is relative and that one can be wealthy without having a lot of money. Being wealthy is more about attitude and perspective than about material possessions.
Mexican sayings are full of wit and humor, and often give great life lessons. From the funny to the profound, these sayings have a unique charm that cannot be matched by any other culture. So the next time you’re looking for a good laugh, look no further than these Mexican sayings – they’ll surely make you die laughing.