Will Humans Ever be Immortal?
In the distant past, humans have held a shared fascination with the idea of becoming immortal. Tales of gods and goddesses, supernatural creatures, and unending cycles of life have been an integral part of human history. But with the advancements of medical science and discoveries of genetic engineering, the question of if humans will ever become immortal has become more than just a myth.
The idea of becoming immortal has been the topic of debate since ancient times, with no conclusive answers. Whether humans are already, or eventually could become immortal, is still a matter of contention. In this article, we will explore the evidence, ask the experts, and consider what immortality could mean for humanity.
What is Immortality?
The concept of immortality is often confused with living forever and agelessness. While in essence, these aspects are related, immortality is technically defined as living for an indefinite time with or without aging. In order for a human to reach true immortality, he or she would need to be able to live an indefinite lifespan without any signs of aging or physical deterioration.
Theories on Human Immortality
There have been many theories about how humans can one day become immortal. Early theories involve manipulating the powerful ‘immortality’ genes of certain animals. But as research advances, other theories involve engineering the human body to stop aging and repairing genetic damage that accumulates over time, or even reversing the aging process.
Another theory suggests that humans could alter their DNA to make them essentially indestructible. This would involve incorporating the protective characteristics of certain species such as jellyfish, which are capable of regenerating their own bodies and can essentially live forever.
But even if a scientific breakthrough was made, questions emerge about how it would be implemented, who would be eligible, and what it would cost.
The Impact of Human Immortality
If humans were to become immortal, there is no denying that it would have a huge impact on the world. The first thing to consider is the logistics of population control. With no natural deaths, population growth would be unstoppable and could lead to significant overcrowding and lack of resources.
Creative development and advancement of technology could also be hindered if the same people stayed in power for hundreds of years. It could lead to stagnated progress and the need for a complete overhaul of traditional authority models.
It is reasonable to assume that the continuation of commerce and industry would be significantly impacted by immortality. With a lack of life and death, there would be a reduced need to accumulate wealth and the motivations behind efficiency and productivity could be drastically altered. There is no denying that many aspects of economics and society would need to be completely reimagined if humans were to become immortal.
The Pros and Cons of Becoming Immortal
The thought of living forever as an immortal being invokes both excitement and fear. On one hand, there would be a relief of not having to worry about death, providing an opportunity to finally pursue all the things we could never do before. We could travel to different parts of the world, get lost in fascinating pursuits, build the perfect relationships and take pride in the knowledge that all problems are solvable and nothing is beyond our reach.
On the other hand, living for an indefinite time could mean boredom or loneliness. The idea of living some parts of life forever could be daunting and difficult to accept. Also, no matter how much we try to safeguard immortality, death can sometimes be a better choice than being unable to live a fulfilling life.
Ultimately, humans will never know life’s true purpose until they reach the end. The pros and cons of immortality will always remain open to interpretation and will vary significantly among different people.
Experts Speak: The Realities of Reaching Immortality
Today, the trend of human longevity is increasing due to improved lifestyles and better medical care. Many manufacturers now market products and services that promise to extend our lives. However, many experts agree that becoming immortal may be unattainable anytime soon, if at all.
According to futurist Clayton A. Donner, immortals have always been figures of myth and legend, but have never been real. He believes that immortality will remain out of reach for a long time, because “the problem of death is not a technical one, it’s a moral, philosophical, spiritual one.”
Another expert, molecular biophysicist Stephen Barclay, agrees with this assessment. He suggests that the idea that humans will one day become immortal through advances in science is pure fantasy, because “molecular biology is not a unifying solution to life and death, like a magic pill.”
The potential of humans to become immortal seems impossibly far away, yet the pursuit lives on. While there are certainly myriad benefits to immortality, the implications of such a powerful breakthrough are vast and difficult to imagine.
At this point in time, the best course of action for humanity should focus on improving our lifestyles by embracing good health practices and adopting technologies that can help us lead longer and safer lives. Whether or not we will ever reach the pinnacle of true immortality is still an open question.