Drones and How They Are Changing the World   

In today’s society, drones have become more than just a hobby. In fact, they are being used to make an incredible impact on our world, both on human lives as well as the environment. From delivering medical supplies to making search and rescue missions easier to lessening human presence in dangerous activity-prone areas, drones are being utilized in more and more compelling ways. Read on to learn further about how drones are saving lives and the planet.

Impact of Drones On Human Lives  

Medical Supply Delivery 

Drones are transforming medical supply delivery systems in remote areas. By eliminating the need for traditional transportation systems to send life-saving aid, delivery can be made much faster and often in situations that were previously inaccessible due to hazard or terrain. The Djibouti Drone corridor in East Africa is the first cross-border drone medical supply delivery corridor in the world, started in 2018. It’s highly successful and has revolutionized medical aid across the continent, enabling drone delivery of essential medicines and equipment to populations struggling with acute and various chronic diseases.

Search and Rescue Missions 

Search and rescue missions are becoming more efficient, thanks to the help of drones. In times of natural disasters, drones are sent to scan the area before humans step foot in the location. This can be incredibly useful in situations where the environment is hazardous. For example, in the wake of the floods in Houston in 2017, drones were used to map areas and determine rescue targets safely and quickly, at a fraction of the time and money conventional measures might have taken to accomplish the same tasks.

Lessening Human Presence in Hazardous Areas 

One of the chief advantages of utilizing drones is a drastic decrease in the amount of human presence in dangerous locations. Drones can be sent to access otherwise unreachable and hazardous areas, such as those affected by radiation or aerial attacks. This way, organizations can take a more active role in the monitoring of volatile situations, obtaining more precise data. Perhaps one of the more famous examples of this is the Fukushima disaster, where Japanese authorities utilized drones to locate damage in the area and measure the radiation levels.

Environmental Impact of Drones  

Precise Agricultural Practices 

Recent studies have determined that precision agriculture, or the use of unmanned aerial vehicles like drones, can help farmers improve crop yields and water uses, decrease postharvest losses and promote a healthier overall environment. By using drones to monitor and analyze crop health, farmers can use precise amounts of water and fertilizer, without having to disturb the soil, which reduces runoff and soil erosion.

Mineral Exploration 

Drones are also being used to explore for minerals without having to disturb the natural environment. This can save lots of resources, and is so precise that potential dangerous minerals like uranium can be discovered without having to do any sort of actual digging. Drones are now used in a variety of measurement activities, including aerial surveys and aerial imaging of sites, among other uses.

Drones are increasingly being used to make a real difference in human lives as well as to protect the environment. From precise agricultural practices to precise exploration, drones are enabling us to learn and understand more with far less impact on our world. As the use of drones continues to spread and expand, we may see even more dramatic and positive results in the future.