How Making Cuts in Your Spending Can Transform Your Life

Some of the most defining moments of our lives come from the decisions we make. Our financial decisions are particularly profound as they can literally shape our circumstances and how comfortable we are in life. Making cuts in our spending can be one of the most life-altering practices we can engage in. Here, we’ll discuss how making aspirational and operational cuts to our spending can transform the way we live and the course of our lives.

The Positive Benefits of Making Spending Cuts

Making cuts in our spending is not just a temporary fix to an immediate financial problem; it’s an approach to life that can have a wide range of positive impacts. Here are just a few of the positive benefits that can come from making cuts in your spending:

  1. Increased Savings: One of the most immediate benefits of cutting your spending is the increased savings that can result. Making meaningful, consistent cuts in your spending will quickly add up over time and lay the foundation for an emergency fund, college savings plan and other important financial investments.

  2. Financial Freedom: When we don’t put unnecessary strain on our budget with swelling expenditures, it can open up the door for financial freedom. We are better able to go out and travel, buy big-ticket items and make major life decisions without having to worry about our finances.

  3. A Positive Mindset: When we make cuts in our spending, we also create a positive mindset. Cutting spending creates a mentality of abundance rather than scarcity, and understanding that it’s ok to wait to buy something and not buy it just because we want it in the moment.

  4. Autonomy and Independence: Ultimately, making cuts in our spending give us the autonomy and the independence to live the life we want on our own terms. We can be truly secure in the knowledge that we can withstand any emergency or misstep along our financial journey because of our spending cuts.

Making Cuts: An Aspirational and Operational View

Making meaningful cuts in our spending is a two-pronged approach. We can think of it as having an aspirational and operational view.

On the aspirational side, it’s important to recognize that spending cuts are a conscious choice that can help you generate the life that you want. Having a clear and intentional vision of what you want detailed finances to look like can be incredibly motivating.

When making cuts on an operational view, it’s important to know where to start your spending cut research. Ideally, you should be able to identify your most pressing financial long- and short-term financial commitments without missing any payments etc.

Making aspirational cuts involves finding spending that won’t disrupt your lifestyle but can still make meaningful changes. Examples of aspirational spending cuts can include:

• Eating in instead of going out to restaurants
• Taking public transportation instead of using a car or ride-sharing
• Canceling or downgrading your cable subscription
• Taking up a DIY approach for home improvements
• Shopping secondhand
• Avoiding impulse purchases

For operational cuts, it’s important to know where to start your research and to be able to identify your most pressing financial commitment while avoiding any mix-ups with payments. Examples of operational spending cuts can include:

• Analyzing your past spending activities
• Taking a look at fixed expenses (mortgage/rent, car payments)
• Consolidating high-interest debt and paying off any lump sum debt
• Applying for lower rates on existing debts
• Applying for rewards cards and taking advantage of bonus point offers
• Finding mistakes in your financial statements
• Shopping for better insurance and phone plans
• Setting budget parameters and sticking to it
• Utilizing the power of financial apps and tracking your spending and progress

Making Cuts: Important Considerations

When making cuts in your spending and making financial decisions, it’s important to take certain considerations into account. Here are three key things to keep in mind when making cuts in your spending:

  1. Know Your Limits: It’s important to understand below what level you’re comfortable living before making any cuts. Everyone has a different definition of comfort and financial security; reaching a comfortable level of financial security is a personal journey.

  2. Ask For Professional Advice: Feel free to ask family, friends, and colleagues for advice if you’re stuck, but if you’re looking for professional advice, a financial advisor or independent counselor can be of great help.

  3. Create a Financial Roadmap: It’s important to create a financial roadmap to articulate what you want to accomplish and to give you a framework on success. Your financial roadmap should include objective measurements and realistic expectations of achieving your financial goals.

At the end of the day, investing yourself in making cuts in your spending can be one of the most life-altering practices you can undertake. With the right strategy, you can proactively create the financial security, autonomy, and independence that you need to live an aspirational life. By focusing on both the aspirational and operational sides of making spending cuts, you will be able to create the positive financial future that you desire.