Traits You Need to Be Self-Employed 

Being self-employed is a daunting task that requires more than simply having a great idea. To be a successful entrepreneur requires a number of traits and qualities, the most important of which are creativity, financial planning, and self-discipline. Read on to learn about the most important traits to possess if you’re considering becoming self-employed.


The ability to think outside the box is essential for a self-employed individual. Creative problem solving is necessary to solve the unique issues that come with being your own boss. Additionally, creativity is important to develop and execute new ideas that can help your business stay one step ahead of the competition.

Financial Planning

Financial planning is a critical component to being self-employed. You need to be knowledgeable in reading and understanding financial statements, managing capital, and various accounting principles. Additionally, you will need to remain up to date on the latest developments in taxation and payroll rules.


Self-discipline is a key trait to have when self-employed. You need to be able to stay focused and motivated to get projects done without the guidance of a boss or manager. Additionally, the ability to be flexible and adaptable to the ever-changing needs of clients and market forces is essential for entrepreneurs.

Crisis Management

Crisis management is a critical skill for self-employed individuals. Knowing how to handle a situation when everything suddenly goes wrong and how to recover from it as quickly as possible is a trait of a successful entrepreneur. To be prepared for such a scenario, it’s important to be able to anticipate and plan for these kinds of crises, as well as develop strategies for how to respond to them.

Time Management

Self-employed individuals need to be strong in the area of time management to be successful. Working without the structure of a traditional job and the need to balance personal life with business responsibilities can cause time to fly. Having the ability to prioritize tasks, stay organized, and properly manage projects can mean the difference between success and failure.

Networking Savvy

Networking is a key element of any successful business and self-employed entrepreneurs need to be savvy when it comes to networking. Developing relationships with the right people, participating in industry events, and building an online presence are all essential for gaining the resources necessary to succeed.

Risk Taking

Risk-taking is a quality of successful entrepreneurs. The ability to take risks, handle failure when it happens, and try new ideas are essential for creating valuable products, services and experiences. Being able to dream big and assess risk, while staying in control of the situation is important for long-term success.


Having self-confidence is essential when taking the plunge into self-employment. You need to have the belief in yourself and your abilities to succeed in business. This self-confidence is also essential when raising capital, pitching products or services to potential customers and networking with influential people.


Tenacity is a quality that can’t be overlooked when self-employed. Sticking with your dreams and pushing through obstacles is an important quality for entrepreneurs. Additionally, relationships with clients, customers, and employees can be more easily maintained when you are persistent, patient and determined to make things work.

Tolerance for Stress

It’s important for self-employed individuals to be able to withstand stress. With the potential for a high level of pressure due to self-inflicted deadlines, budget constraints and unfamiliar market trends, having a high tolerance for stress is a plus.

These are just a few of the qualities necessary to be self-employed. Additionally, traits such as organization, multitasking and communication skills are also important. If you have the right combination of these qualities, then you have a great chance of being successful in your venture.